Are they the cutest or what! I have promised Maia a beaded version...and she has requested pink of course!
Cashsoft. Dare I say it could me my favourite yarn?! Love it. Seriously.
I made the first one in DB Baby Cashmerino in cream. I didn't check gauge. Lazy. I figured it would fit a child...and I was in need of something to knit. Let me just show you the difference in sizing between the baby cashmerino and the cashsoft...
I just loved the pattern. Interesting bead knitting...yet easy enough to mindlessly knit along.
This hat could be knit in a day. I actually did the first beaded one in a day.
Yarn: Cashsoft (blue), Baby Cashmerino (cream).
Pattern: Odessa Hat
Adjustments: None.
I have been searching on line for the cheapest Cashsoft...and I think it is here.
I paid $12.95 a ball canadian...totally a rip off!
This is so cute. They look so sweet in their new hats. What a lovely pattern, and it looks good with and without beads.
Seriously cute kids in seriously cute hats. Wonderful!
they are adorable!
aww, they are so adorable. cutest pictures and hats! great work.
Priceless pictures!! I'm a Cashsoft fan as well.
Too cute. Thanks for sharing the scouted cashsoft spot, it's crazy pricy in Canada. Maybe now I'll give it a whirl.
What cute hats and models! I'm on my second ball of Cashoff and it's starting to grow on me. It is nice and soft!
The kids are definitely cuter than the hats. And the hats are cute. That's all I have to say :).
Such sweet pictures! Great job on the hats :)
Okay, this hat is the big thing on all of the knitting blogs lately, but you have the best models out there! Too cute!
They are so cute! (The hats too!)
Mm I love Cashsoft. I am making a beret out of the Aran version. So luscious.
Aww very cute hats on very cute ladies!!
I made Odessa too, but I only had my dog to model it. He hates me now.
Please bear with me... AWWWWWWW! They are so cute! Three Odessas? You are one brave woman. And to think I was happy with myself for just completing one! Congratulations - especially considering the IV incident I just read about!
Look at those sweet little ladies in their Odessa hats!
Aaaw, these are so cute. So, so cute. Just adorable.
Cute, cute, cute, cute!
The hats are cute the little girls are beautiful. Their mother must be drop dead gorgeous.
why word those kids are cute! Not to mention fab hats, and great pics altogether awesome!
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