Faced again with nothing to knit, (the other Canal Sock I am saving for my trip, my Knitting Olympics yarn has arrived...but I can't start that until the official start date, and I have also acquired the yarn for Aranrose in the upcoming IK...but it doesn't arrive until next month.) I decided to cast on for some gloves. I have been wanted to knit the Spencer Gloves from the current Rowan and even have the Wool/Cotton in the stash for it.
I swatched...really I did...and got gauge. Of course, when I have the thumb done I realize that my gauge is not correct and have to start again. Now this time I definitely have got gauge and get back to thumb...knit and seam it.
Too small. The pattern is for the average sized adult hands. I guess I am not average sized. Hmmm. I searched for other knitters who have made the gloves and came across these. Gorgeous! Notice that she also says that they are small.
I consult my Knitters Handy Book of Patterns and for my size hand, there are just not enough stitches. So now I have to start again, this time increasing the size.
Well, you are already aware of the other problems with seaming up digits in a glove. I knew of them already, but thought I would try it.
Holey Moley. Also, the seam is quite uncomfortable.
Over to Nona's Blog I go. Have you seen her wonderful tutorial on icord finger gloves? So why not do the icord fingers, knit the glove from the top down then add the wonderful details from the Spencer Gloves?
That is on the new knitting agenda.
The first pair of gloves I knit last fall were also knit back and forth and then seamed up. I did not like the seams up the fingers, a bit bulky and uncomfortable. I'll be curious to see how the i-cord fingers work in wool-cotton.
gloves worked flat? why oh why? Perhaps the pattern can be modified to work in the round, plus add stitches. Good thing for the knitter's handy book of patterns!
Beautiful project! I hope everything works out from this point on.
I made some fingertip-less gloves recently (from the Marnie MacLean pattern) and the fingers are done in double-knit. They're very clever.
I hope all your modfications work. They will be totally fab.
Gaaawwwddd...I'm also a long way off gloves...let alone a jersey/sweater.
Anyway, I have a question to all knitters, I've posted it on my blog HERE. It'd be great if you could help me out! Thanks in advance!!!
Sounds like you will eventually have to rewrite the whole pattern. A challenge I'm sure you will conquer.
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