Graft the ribbing.
So, unable to locate anything visual for those of us who need it, I give you a little lesson on how to graft ribbing. Do not be afraid. It is really easy once you do it!
First, here are a couple tips:
The Vogue Ultimate book of knitting does show you how to graft 1x1 ribbing.
It is really handy to have this weaving in ends technique under your belt.
and knowledge of grafting knit stitches, seen here.
When grafting, you work two stitches on each peice before you go to the other piece. i.e. work two stitches on the top existing piece, then go to the new ribbing piece and work two stitches from that.
I can't tell you "go into the stitch as if to purl...etc." I work visually. Lay the stitches all flat and duplicate the fabric. If something doesn't look right, undo that stitch and try it the other way. Once you start to see the anatomy of the stitch, it will just come me.
Get yourself some scrap yarn, a darning needle, some straight pins and good lighting.
Knit your new piece to be grafted on to the existing piece, leaving a long tail (4x the length of your exsiting piece will do). Thread a piece of scrap yarn through the stitches, taking it off the needle.
Undo the cast on edge of the existing piece and thread a piece of scrap yarn through those now live stitches.
I used the needle to pick out the cast on of each stitch then just put the needle through the stitch and went on to the next stitch.
On your working surface (my favourite is the arm of the sofa), line up your two pieces to graft, edge to edge.
After the first couple stitches, I stretched out the grafted ribbing and pinned it down. You are able to see the stitches clearly then. Go into the first stitch of you new piece of ribbing from the front to back with the long tail you left on it. Then go into the existing ribbing first stitch from back to front. This joins the two pieces. Work across your knit stitches as in the tips above. Until you get to your first purl stitch.
When working your first purl stitch, go from the back of the knit stitch into the front of the purl stitch. If you need to work a second purl stitch, after working the top two stitches, come back to the last purl stitch on the bottom that you worked, go into it from back to front then the next purl stitch from front to back.
Going from a purl to a knit stitch is just as easy.
Going from the back of the purl stitch through the front, enter the back of the knit stitch and go through the front. Now, when you come back to this knit stitch, you do the same move from back to front of it and the same into the next knit stitch, back to front.
All the while, try to keep your tension the same as the existing knitting.
And voila! It's so easy! Give it a try. If you have a problem, or my instructions are "way out there", email me and I will try to help.
There you have it. I am not doing the sweater all in one night. The first night, I did one front side and last night the other front. Tonight I will tackle the back and the sweater will be lengthened!
Thanks so much for the great lesson. I do not need to do that just now, but it will probably come in handy. Sure hope your FIL appreciates this longer sweater!
Thankfully I don't need to graft anything right now, and hopefully never will, but it is such a great there a way you could post it to a sidebar for anyone who may need it in the future? You are truly an inspiration! Thanks for sharing.
You did a beautiful job on that grafting. Thanks for posting how you did it; I'm sure I'll be coming back to this at some point.
Amazing work--and thanks for the tutorial. I'm sure it will come in handy one day.
(and really good idea to graft instead of rip & reknit--Smarty!)
I am so frickin' impressed! I've tried this and it turned out horribly. I'm sure I need more practice. Thanks for a great tutorial and I hope you are very proud of yourself for figuring this out.
Thanks for the little tutorial. Very helpful.
Good grief I can barley graft a toe & your doing awhole sweater! WTG! Looks great!!
Bravo for pushing "thru the pain"! Just reading that made my brain hurt.
Now I know it can be done. And, I believe you when you say, "It is really easy once you do it!" I've found that to be true of many things in knitting...always easier than it looks. Great tutorial.
Bless you for posting this, I have to graft right now but it's 2AM and I guess I've knit myself into a stupor. Can't... understand... instructions... must... sleep. I'll let you know how it works out!
Why didn't I see this tutorial earlier? It could have saved me much grief on this project.
Bless you! Now I can try to graft some cables.
Thank you so much- I just grafted a cable across the top of a hood thanks to you. Much appreciated!
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Amazing work--and thanks for the tutorial. I'm sure it will come in handy one day.
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