I did reblock the veste everest to help the arm and neck bands. Some socks that needed washing (I must say I love wearing handknit socks...even my hubby is wearing his!) and some hats that were completed.
The Tom Hat is done! It was actually a quick knit...I just kept putting it aside. More on it tomorrow when I can model it!
So let us recap. It is December 1st. I am crazy enough to think I will knit something for everyone this Christmas. I still have 4 hats to knit for nephews, I would like to knit the "rescue pack" for Lucca, a sweater for my FIL, a sweater for my hubby, a scarf for my MIL and something for the sibling exchange. YEAH...24 knitting days left to do that in....IT'S NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
So, the first to get axed...hubby's sweater. He'll understand, and he is so picky that I haven't nailed down a design or picked a yarn yet. I'll do it in the new year.
My FIL's sweater. Well, it may happen. At the very least, I will start it and wrap up what I get done, even if it is still on the needles!
The hats...oh yes, I will get them done, and the orders are hilarious. Next up a blue hat with flames and the numbers 55 on it! Don't ask.
The scarf, I'll knit over a weekend...no problem.
The reality is...I need to knit something for myself now. I am thinking a shrug. It's quick and hopefully satisfying. I have some handpaintedyarn in merino weight (some of you know it as Malabrigo) waiting to be knit. Hmmmmm.....
I am liking the tom hat for lukas not such length in the scarf area, it could be hazardous to his health. No need to call and see what you are up to the next couple weeks, we all know!!
You must really love your nephews to work on all their crazy requests! But you know they love their gifts because they ask for MORE! There's not mistaking knitted gift appreciation if the receiver asks for more :).
You are so impressive with all your holiday knits! Seriously impressive.
That's a great picture! It sounds as though you are going to be very busy, but if anyone can do it, you can. :)
wow, that's some serious blockage, very efficient use of your board!
Yes yes, you must take a break and knit for yourself!
Now what I would really like to see is a picture of Tom wearing the hat with the flaps flipped across the top!! It looks great & suits you well - making one for yourself?
Where did you get your great blocking board?
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