Started: November 6, 2005
Finished: November 7, 2005
Pattern: Candy Cane Hat in Handknit Holidays by Melanie Falick.
Yarn: Patons Classic Merino in Denim and Black
Adjustments: Well, I didn't think the rolled brim or the icord on top would be so "cool" so I vetoed them. I just did a 1x1 ribbing for the cuff...which I should have done tighter...but it's ok. My fair aisle work is just fine for my first try! The trained eye can see a little pulling from the floats in a couple spots, especially at the beginning of the rounds. I will over come this I think. I am sure I read some where to knit it inside out and the floats will stretch a little longer to avoid this problem.
I did the written decreasing, it seemed to work out. I actually decreased it and ripped back to make it a little longer (7") before the decreasing. When I ripped back, I decided to take a look at doing this fair aisle with two handed stranding. Oh yes people, I was knitting with both hands! It took a couple rounds to get comfortable with it...but I can do it!
It all worked out. Another Handknit Christmas gift done!
I think it's "Cool"?!
Your nephew will love it, it's great, and I'm happy to hear that you've learned a new skill in the process!
it looks great, and i'm really impressed that you made something that required so much stretch as your first FI project!
Good for you! Looks awesome and I'm sure your nephew will love it.
Two handed knitting - not so hard when you get used to it..
I like it! And I also really need to get that book!
What I love is that your nephew requested this hat. He's going to love it!
You go girl! I knew you'd get the hang of two-handed knitting. The hat looks GREAT.
It looks perfect for a teenage boy! He will love it!
OK, I feel you've thrown down the gauntlet. I am going to have to try two-handed knitting too.
Great job, he'll love it for sure!
Aaah, you are so cute. But the hat is way cool.
So cute! It turned out great!
Once again you're my hero! Way to go!
You are so speedy and that does not look like your first fair isle project! What a great gift.
you finished that hat in no time! and it looks great too.
Two hands are the way to go. Cool hat!
love it! love the mods you made and i'm sure your nephew will be happy!
very cute, ahem, i mean cool!
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