Kind of weird loopy sts...I don't like it. What did I do wrong? Any one made this type of mitten before with suggestions?
It is cute, but too big, and I really don't like the yarn choice I I will be ripping and redoing. (I made this one in a couple hours, if big deal)
I am also starting a hat for my other nephew. Last year he said he wanted flames...but I wasn't skilled enough then...
See what you can do with a little knitter graft paper and a crayon!
I did knit about 3" and ripped it out. I was twisting the yarns too tightly on the wrong side as I carried them between the wide stretches of colour. I am going to try again, knitting inside out and looser with the twisted floats. Hopefully that will work....and I hope he still likes wing fan...
I've got know idea about the mitten. I've never heard anything like it.
But I'll be very interested to see how those flames turn out. It looks cool on paper.
The flap-mitten pattern I use says to purl a row across the back hand and pick up the purl bumps for the flap.. not sure what to do about the loose stitches you are getting. Would it help to knit them twisted?
The flames hat is going to look great. I was trying something similar last year with a mountain range pattern, but my skills weren't up to spec then either. I'll look forward to how yours turns out!
The flames are v. cool. I'm sure your nephew will still love this gift!
I don't know about the mitten, but your flames chart totally rocks. Totally. You are the best aunt evah!
I've never knitted anything inside out. Could you show a picture of how you're doing it?
You site is just great. And your work....I wondered if I could get the pattern for the mittens? I'd love to make some for Christmas....
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