So here they blocking as I watch, waiting...I must sew these tonight!
My lovely children, who have not had naps today....will go to bed early, so I will try to get the ties done or atleat some seaming...but do go look at is beautiful!
A mom, her crazy Italian husband and her three boys. I knit so I don't drink...
Dear dear Carolyn
Thank you for such lovely comments and for linking to my site. To answer your question, the neck band begins from the decreasing edge of the front piece (the piece that you are folding in) and extend all the way to the other front piece (leaving 18" dangling for tie) right before the decreases. I look forward to your Lucky that goes without saying that I'll be stalking your blog :D
I have Lucky envy. Mine is moving along at a snail's pace and you're nearly done! How cool are you? I can't wait to hear about the final finishing steps and then see how gorgeous this little number will be on you.
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