Thursday, October 01, 2009


It's hard to believe it has been five years. Part of the reason I started knitting was to sort through the grief. Keep myself busy.
But today you can't help but remember.
Maureen called me at this very moment.

john and i

This is a photo of John and I...cropped from a bigger family photo. I thought this would put a smile on my face...just look at the hair! That was 1997...big hair was in...right?!

John always made you laugh.

I miss his smile and his goofy sense of humour.
Today is the day to remember and celebrate the unbelievable person he was.


Annika said...

Anniversaries can be so hard. Thinking of you.

Lise said...

Time flies by, but it always feels the same. I know how it feels too...

Your family is beautiful! So many sisters.

I love your hair in that pic! I want to grow mine out one more time (before I am too old) just to do it.

E to the M said...

Knitting helps. :)

I have an anniversary coming up and I am not looking forward to it.


Preeti said...

Remembering can be hard and I'm glad that knitting has helped you. Love your hair, then and now!!

Brenda said...

Anniversaries can be difficult, along with simple things every day that bring back memories. I've lost a sibling too and know how hard that is on the whole family. Thanks for posting.

Philosophical Karen said...

You are both so cute in that picture. It must have been hard to lose him.

Anonymous said...

I don't think we ever stop missing the people we love, and actually, that is good, because it means you reeeeally love them a lot. It is a blessing to really love someone.