What a truly historic day.
We Canadians need a great leader...need some hope...thankfully this 44th president will affect our lives as well.
So history was made...
history was made in my kitchen as well!
I decided to celebrate Obama's inauguration by dyeing some yarn!!
This yarn my sister surrendered to me a while back. It was gifted to her from her boss who was visiting Ireland. I have no idea what it is...I am pretty positive it is wool...definitely not merino...I had no idea how much. So, I had to measure it out. After measuring everthing in the house, I decided to use the bottom front legs of a chair. I measured one skein (which was approx 8 oz)..it turns out I have about 1450 yrds between all four skeins.
I was hoping (key word hoping) to dye it a brown...but my fear of colour...well...let me tell you what I did.
I have wilton icing dyes in the house. The brown was not full...but I had atleast a teaspoon or so. I knew it would not be a deep brown. I mixed it with water giving me about 2 cups of colour.

With so much yarn I had to work in batches.
I soaked 2 skeins in the sink for 1/2 hour.

Then I added 1 cup of the colour to a full pot of lukewarm water.
I started heating it on medium high until it reach around 150 degrees F and then I added 1/2c of vinegar.

I brought it up to 180 degrees F and simmered for 1/2 hour. This was the scariest part for me. I stood there the entire time making sure the temp didn't rise above 180...the fear of felting was real!
I then had to dump the pot into a sink to cool.

I refilled the pot, soaked the next 2 skeins and went through all the steps again. You can see the colour...not brown. Looks almost tea soaked. Well, anything is better than the natural for me, so I will call it a success!
I'll hang it to dry, wind it, swatch it and come up with something to knit....hmmmm.
I like the colour. Nor brown, but still lovely.
Yay, you did it!
You know, when it's in the big pot boiling on the stove, it bears a suspicious resemblance to spaghetti...
You are so brave! It looks really nice. I can't wait to see it.
Yeah, I was non-plussed with the Wilton's brown as well, much lighter than I thought.
I'm glad you joined in our special day, we are all so happy here!
If you're still reading comments on this- You can have Obama as far as I'm concerned. He would fit in VERY well in Canada but not ALL of us are thrilled with him here.
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