Sunday, November 16, 2008


I must say that I have 3 all time favourite knitwear designers.
Debbie Bliss - I know it may seem like an obsession. It started out with her baby knits...progressing to adult knits...and her yarn...oh the cashmerino. LOVE IT.
Stephanie Japel - fabulous knit designer. WEARABLE knits with fabulous yarn. I really love the top down sweaters...favs.
Kim Hargreaves - Classic. Simple. Wearable. I don't know if there is one of her designs that I don't love...seriously. I especially love this one....


Started: OMG...February 2008
Finished: November 2008
Pattern: Demi from Vintage Style. med size.
Yarn: Jo sharp silkroad aran tweed.(another favourite yarn of mine) 12 skeins.
Adjustments: A couple things. I made the bobbles 3sts not the 5 sts as well, I lengthened the arms a little. Two very handy techniques for this project...cabling without a cable needle and making bobbles without turning your work.

The three stitch bobbles didn't seem so bulky

demi 3 st bobbles

(the colour is way off in these shots)
And the buttons are perfecto!

demi buttons

I know...the post is picture heavy...but hey, I ABSOLUTELY LOVE THIS KNIT. I really feel like a knitter now!

demi II more...that's it...

demi leaning

And that picture shows you what I have been up too...besides knitting. I am not working since we moved...well, I do work at least 8 hours a day on the house. (don't get me started on the other 16 hours!)
My hubby changed out the trim and casings as well, he put up some crown moulding. I painted the livingroom and hallway ceiling and walls...the trim and the hubby changed the door handles...we sanded and stained the hardwood floors in the livingroom.
Next up is the kitchen...and hopefully a few christmas knits!


Lori said...

Beautiful! Congratulations, it's a gorgeous sweater!
The work you've done on the house is commendable as well - lots of heart you're putting in there, it shows.

Anonymous said...

I can't tell you how happy I am that you are back to blogging. If I could only read one blog for inspiration, it would be yours! Demi is beautiful and I can't wait to see your Christmas knits. Both of my boys are getting Cabled Beanies for Christmas. During your absence I actually went back to work after 10 years of stay-at-home mom days (I actually thought of you when I decided to go back) so I'll have to be happy with watching your knitting progress...mine is pathetic!

Carol said...

I love Kim Jargreaves too! Lovely knit.

Anonymous said...

Very nice...looks lovely on you!

Theresa said...

Looks great - especially with the 3 st bobbles. Nice and subtle.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely gorgeous!

Sasha said...

I love Demi so much and yours is simply lovely.

Unknown said...

Well done, you! Looks like a sweater you'll wear all the time.

Johanne said...

Demi looks fab on you!

Jennifer said...

Perfect and you wear it well! Your post reminded me of something Brooklyn tweed said. He said something to the effect that the magic of starting a sweater, putting it down and picking it up again months later is that the inital joy resurges because all of a sudden you went from slogging on to working really quickly since 3/4 was already done!

Anonymous said...

That looks beautiful! I've been meaning to start it myself, but I wasn't sure about the bobbles. Those mini-bobbles look perfect.

maitai said...

beautiful sweater! this has been in my queue for so long...i must make it immediately!!!

Susan Luni said...

Well, of course you are quite a knitter. It's about time you realized it. The sweater is perfection itself and you and the house both look great. Love the photos, show me more!

Trisha said...

Wow! Your sweater is gorgeous! I love the colors and all the cabling. I can't believe how great it fits you! I am sure I am not the only one dying to know...did you knit a swatch?

yuvee said...

Gorgeous!! It's been in my queue for too long.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Love it!

nat said...

I love your Demi! Wasn't that fun to knit? My best friend keeps trying to steal mine. :)