Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Abahinam...ahabahoohoo...Ailhibanin...the "A" cowl.

Aibhlinn. Yes, that's it.

a cowl

Started: end of October and finished the beginning of November.
Yarn: Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran in purple. 4 balls.
Pattern: Aibhlinn on knitty.
Adjustments: Cast on 120 sts.

When this pattern first surfaced on knitty...I skipped over it. I thought it was a little weird looking. Lately I have been drawn to the "cowl". The drape, the warmth, something to cover your ears/head without giving you hat head.

I love the look of a cowl around the neck...I do think they are very flattering. I knew cashmerino aran would not only drape nicely but it feels fabulous and washes well. I also really wanted some of that purple!
The bobbles really add a little interest. I made the bobbles without turning my work which saved some time. The knit itself is really simple...another great tv watching knit. I decided to make a more narrow cowl, using 120 sts. This seemed like the perfect size....and still I can bring it up over my head!

cowl up

Don't laugh. I know, I am such a mom. I will admit to sporting this look twice already this week! It is cold out there!
I am considering making another for a Christmas gift. There..I said it. CHRISTMAS!
Well, this year is going to be different. I most likely will not be knitting up a storm. We decided to let all the kids pick names amoungst themselves. So I don't have 13 nieces and nephews to knit hats for! I may knit for two of my nephews whose names we chose, as well as 2 adults and 2 children of a siblings family. Mom and Dad will most likely get knit gifts...and I was thinking of knitting the teachers a little something....here grows the list.

Oh, have a look at THIS. (especially you Maria...also pick out a colour for the girls here). Yes, I must knit a couple of the sweater on the cover for my goddaughter and her twin sister. The birthday is not until Februrary...so I have some time:)

Lastly...I did figure out how to put a pdf pattern on ravelry. The picot edge scarf is up.


Sue said...

The cowl looks great. I really like that deep purple too. I love the sweater you have chosen to knit for your niece, I just ordered the very same book last week. I cant wait to see how many wonderful patterns are inside.

grumperina said...

Beautiful! Actually, much prettier here than in the original photo on Knitty :)

Elemmaciltur said...

Very chic! I love the colour!

Anonymous said...

YOu are back! YEAY!

Anonymous said...

I too think that it's really pretty:) I may actually make one myself!

Nana Sadie said...

I've made 2.5 of them. The last one was frogged as the yarn and I didn't agree.
I LOVE Aibhlinn - and your's is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

So nice to see you back!! Love the cowl!

Unknown said...

Beautiful colour and excellent knitting.

Jennifer said...

I think you look very sheek and vouge with it up as a hood. I love to see your Christmas knits. I'm glad you list is a bit smaller than last year. Coffee cozies for the teachers might be cool. I look forward to seeing what you come up with.

Debbie said...

You look totally cool in that cowl...hood up or down! Actually..you look so cool that I want one for myself! :-)

I agree, coffee cozies would be cool for teachers

Anonymous said...

You're right , it's very flatering , mainly with leather . I love it !

Beatriz said...

What a great color on you. I've had my eye on that pattern for a while. I love reading your blog and seeing all your beautiful photos.

Anonymous said...

I think any of the colours except for the red and the browns would look nice on the girls. You choose. What a gorgeous sweater...they will love it!!!