Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not so Bright Stripes!

I am thinking that this year will be the year of the scarf for me....

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Pattern: Bright Stripes from Scarfstyle
Started: Sept 11, 2007
Finished: Sept 22, 2007
Yarn: Malabrigo...from way back when...left overs from this...this...and this!
Adjustments: None really...while casting on I lost count...not that it matters how many stitches you cast on, but this scarf has 285 stitches...making it nice and LONG! I wasn't really sure about the pom poms. I was actually going to just make a fringe...but decided to go with the pom poms...I am glad I did, I really like it! The actual pattern calls for 5 on each end, but I felt 3 was enough.

There is nothing special here...just a nice simple knit. I used the crochet cast on so that I wouldn't have two different edges on the scarf. The crochet one seems to match the cast off nicely.

This is perfect for fall and winter...if it ever arrives.

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I am trying to wait patiently for least now I am ready with a great scarf!


Sue said...

Another great scarf, and the pom poms look fantastic. You seem to be knitting them so quickly too.

cosymakes said...

that scarf makes me excited for fall too!

Lesley said...

Cuuute! I can't seem to stop thinking about scarves either - must be wishful thinking for fall...

Nettie said...

I'm trying to get a good look at the scarf but all I can see is that jacket. I think I love that jacket, oh and I like the scarf too =)

yaiAnn said...

Very cute! Those pom poms are a nice surprise on the ends!

Lori said...

What a great scarf! And you look nice in it too!

materfamilias said...

cute scarf -- and I love that jacket!

Unknown said...

wow, neat scarf!

Xia Diaz said...

I absolutely love this scarf! The pictures are great! Wow! I'm not a pom-pom person, but it works very well with this scarf.

Dorothy said...

It is cute! Love the colours you used and I agree I like your three pom-pom version better than the original five.

E to the M said...

The scarf is awesome! I have that book but I don't remember seeing that scarf; I'll have to go dig it out now. The jacket is fab too. :)

lekkercraft said...

really cute - i love the unexpected color combination. Somehow really works with the cool texture and the poofballs.

knottygnome said...

wow that scarf is really nice. i never liked the one in the book. i'm glad to see it worked up in different colors.

Peacock Chic said...

very nice! I like the color choices and the creative use of leftovers!

goodkarma said...

Love the new scarf! it's so rustic and cozy, but looks fantastic with your cha cha leather jacket!

lindar said...

I love the scarf! It's so great looking! Way to go!

Ginnie said...

Very cute scarf! The colors are wonderful together, and I love the pompoms:)