So, with one off the goes on. Presenting the starts of "Orangina" in a lovely lavendar colour...

Don't ask me how to check gauge on this have to count 24sts in 4" of the pattern...hmmm...I guess I should have only cast on 24 and measured the swatch...whatever. After what seemed like knitting a scarf in the pattern...I was pretty sure I needed to go up a needle size, as I always do. I was forced to work on these straight bamboo #4's. I feel like I am tight rope walking...don't sit to close because you will get your eye poked out! I just hate working on straight needles now. Alteast it is light weight yarn. Not sure if I like the cotton's ok. Very splitty. The lace is much more manageable on the bamboos than the addis. I just wish I had more slide on the needles. I put wax paper on my grocery list...that may help.
And for you dad..., back to cleaning the windows...only the insides and the screens today...we will tackle the outsides tomorrow!
ooo, i like the color you picked for Orangina! I didn't really measure my swatch either, so don't feel too bad. :)
As for the a a BRAVE WOMAN for putting it in the washer! After my vogue top disaster, i will not be fooled by that again anytime soon. [can you tell I'm bitter?]
I am so impressed that you put it in the wash. That would freak me out.
Orangina looks great so far. Too bad about having to use straights! That yarn is really splitty, isn't it? I did a gauge swatch for my Orangina out of the same yarn and it was tought to knit with. Splitty and stiff.
I want to make an Orangina, too!!! It's so chic.
That is beautiful. I can't wait to follow your progress.
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