What to do while at the inlaws...well, knit of course! We also made a trip to "Storeybook Gardens" a great place for the boys to run wild in the heat...they had a great water play area too...I'm sure symptoms of some disease we caught will show up in 3-5 days!
I was able to visit the local knitting shop which I have mixed feelings about. I was looking into the addi turbo bamboos...but was disappointed in them. They seem to have a strange join on them that I know my yarn will catch on...no thanks. So I settle for some clovers that I need for the ribbing on Orangina. Couldn't leave with just that...

A little sock yarn...and stocking up on some needles!
I worked on "Orangina" and completed the back. It knits quickly and really looks like something! I shortened the patterned area by an inch and will probably need much more ribbing to get down past the rollage...I think it will look much better...a little more shape.

Now, months ago I fell in love with the interweave knits magazine. I subscribed and then a couple days later ordered some back issues. I got the back issues about a week later...and still am waiting for my summer issue! So I emailed to find out what's up...well I have to wait 6-8 weeks. WWWWHHHHAAATTTEEEEVVVVERRRR! So I can expect it in July...about a week before the fall one will arrive. Just intime for summer knits. Great. Then I get an email from interweave press saying they had a breach in their security system and some hackers may have gotten ahold of my credit card info and whatever. Great. Thankfully, nothing has happened...besides me cancelling my card...so no more on line shopping for a while!
Hey, you are really movin' along on Orangina. The lace pattern is so pretty.
As for Interweave Knits, I think that everyone I know (including myself) who has subscribed has had trouble getting started. I bet they have a very small staff, if any!, for circulation. It takes forever. But after that initial wait, I haven't had a single problem with them. Patience, I s'pose. :)
Same thing happened to me. I think I bought a little bit before the security breach, as nothing has happened to me, but it really, really sucked to get that email.
You are so right and thank you. Baby crap yellow is an earthtone!!! LOL!
DSW did that to me last winter. Man, if I knew all the trouble that those shoes caused me....
Having been the victim of identity theft at another time, I encourage you to cancel that card immediately.
What an absolute bummer about the Interweave Knits experience! I hope it all turns out okay.
I bought that very same sock yarn in a light green color a few weeks ago. Eventually I want to knit the "Go With the Flow" socks from the Spring (I think) issue of Interweave Knits. What are you going to knit with yours?
That's so scary! I'm so glad that you've gotten things under control though.
I love your T!!! Stupid bloglines never updated me on your last post, but I saw it on Grumperina's website. Absolutely hot!!! :)
Can't wait to see Orangina either.
I have several pairs of Addi Bamboo Natura circulars and love them. I've never had any trouble with snagging. Although, the owner of the knitting store where I sometimes buy them says she does not like the join. I guess it's just a personal preference thing.
So glad I'm posting like a month later...but I'm loving the Orangina action in here! I'm knitting it in the same color right now. It's just so pretty! I love that you can knit a few rows and really see the pattern coming along.
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