I found some ideas...but also decided I would benefit from a trip to the bookstore.
Nothing there.
I brought my 5yr old who spotted this book...mistakenly placed in with the knitting books. Fate? Who knows. He had to have it so that I could make him one.
It came in a kit, missing pieces...but it was 50% off.
Once home, we searched through daddy's socks to find the perfect pair! I read it through...pretty simple. I took out the sewing machine and....did a little test sew...
Yeah, this isn't the first time I have had bobbin problems. I KNOW that I have recently had this repaired...and have used it maybe 3 times since. The machine is a fairly good one...I bought about 12 years ago for around $200. I have also spent a good $150 on repairs for the bobbin...$50 each time. I can't do it again.
I think it is time.
So the sock creatures will have to wait, because my attempt at hand sewing just won't do.
In other sock news....
One is complete now and I am part way down the leg of the other...second sock syndrome is starting to set in.
I need to start another project...
Hmmm ... can you tell what the issue is with the bobbin? Does the timing seem to be off? Is there a tension gage that it's missing?
I'm assuming you know that if you're getting loops on the bottom it's a top thread problem and loops on the top are a bobbin problem? Just trying to troubleshoot via blog comment, which is just a shot in the dark, of course. (I've been lurking for about a year. Hi!)
that sock yarn is so pretty!
my bobbin does that when the tension is off. i think. i havent used it much, it's very intimidating LOL
that's one gorgeous sock.
I want one of those zeebee hats please and thank-you! Your cuz Renee p>s That would make a beautiful christmas gift!
Try and rethread your machine. Again and again, ensuring you have your thread "snugly" set between the tension discs. I have this problem sometimes and when I rethread, it goes away...just a thought.
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