Monday, March 26, 2007


Yeah, yeah...I'm still here. This is really sad. I have hardly knit a thing in the past week. A couple rows here...a couple rows there. I just am not "feeling it" for the projects on the go.
So, I need a new project...and my sister has put in a request.

I think it will two colours of this guy...

More to follow....hopefully within the next couple days!

And if you try to search who has knit come up with the pattern online!

I have some questions and requests in my email...sorry...I will get to them this week!


reluctantMANGO said...

Cute monkey, and he knows how to play checkers too! Can't wait to see what you have planned :)

mle said...

thanks for the link!! what an adorable monkey...he looks like Curious George.

Lori said...

He looks adorable. Good luck.

meg said...

i am just getting out of my knitting slump, too. i had to start something new to inspire me.

the monkey is super cute.

catsmum said...

thanks for the link ... like I really needed another project :]

Hannah Six said...

There was a similar pattern in Simply Knitting (from the UK) in the last year or so -- I think it was a book excerpt, too. I made him with Rowan Kid Classic (there's a photo on my blog). So I'm thinking this cute little guy (I love his "widow's peak") would be a great companion. Looking forward to seeing which colors you choose!

Kathy said...

Cute monkey, but I love the sweater!

Aimee said...

Hope all is well in your life and you are out of your knitting slump. I find buying new yarn really helps to motivate me!